Music Therapy in Phoenix Arizona
Music Therapy
why choose blossom & Bloom MUSIC THERAPY?
  • Board-certified Music Therapists
  • Specialize in music therapy for Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, & other Developmental Disabilities
  • Experienced in early childhood development​
  • Utilizes Evidenced-Based interventions​
Meeting The Needs of Our Community
Music Therapy is a highly sought out therapy due to its UNIQUE ability to activate the ENTIRE brain and effectively facilitate ALL areas of development simultaneously.
Blossom & Bloom Music Therapy Services was established in 2015 to serve the growing needs of our community. The owner, Michelle Nettle, a Board Certified Music Therapist in Phoenix, has been providing music therapy to children in the Phoenix Metropolitan area for 22 years. Michelle is passionate about her work and is dedicated to providing quality music therapy services for early childhood development and for children with special needs.